Religious Education

Our Lady of Guadalupe parish community recognizes the need and desire for all parishioners, from children to adults, to continually grow in their faith and their relationship with God.  We encourage parents to be involved in their child's religious education and provide opportunities for this.  Communication between parents and the parish Religious Education staff is the key to a quality program.  Our Lady of Guadalupe also provides opportunities for adults to come together with other adults to learn more about living out their Catholic faith.  Parishioners and non-members are welcome to attend any of our Adult Religious Education and Faith Formation classes.

If you have any questions, want to register or volunteer, please contact Director of Religious Education at (512) 478-7955.

R.E. Program Calendar 2023-2024   (Calendario de E.R. 2023-2024)

R.E. Registration Information 2023-2024   (Informacion en registraciones de E.R. 2023-2024)

Children's Programs

  • Religious Education for grades Pre K–5 - For Pre K – 5th grade Religious Education we use the Call to Faith textbook series from Harcourt Religion Publishers.  Parents are always welcome in the classroom and parents are always needed to help in the classroom. Please contact the parish office for more information.
  • First Reconciliation and First Communion - This class prepares children in grades 3 – 5 for these sacraments.  This class is different from the regular grade-level Religious Education classes.  One full year of Religious Education is required before admittance to this special class.  We use the Call to Celebrate sacramental preparation materials from Harcourt Religion Publishers.  There is a Youth Sacrament Class for older students needing First Reconciliation and First Communion.
Jesus with Children

This age group, traditionally divided into early infancy or pre-school age and childhood, possesses, in the light of and reason.  The grace of the beginnings of life Characterized by the simplicity and gratuitousness of welcome.  St. Augustine indicated early and middle childhood as time for learning the Dialogue with the Teacher who speaks deep within.  It is from the tenderest age that the child must be helped to perceive and to develop the sense of God and the natural intuition of his existence (N236. D.C.)

The child is capable of relating to God and that his questions about the meaning of life arise even where the parents are hardly attentive to religious education.  Children have the capacity to pose meaningful question relative to creation, to God’s identity, to the reason for good and evil, are capable of rejoicing before the mystery of life and love.

Our Lady of Guadalupe's Religious Education Program wants our children to continue to grow in the love of God.  We invite you to register for evangelization classes where you can continue to know more about your Faith.

Registration Form: Evangelization 2023-2024     (Inscripción: Evangelización 2023-2024)
Requirements - Evangelization


"The Eucharist is the efficacious sign and sublime cause of that communion in the divine life and that unity of the People of God by which the Church is kept in being.  It is the culmination both of God’s action sanctifying the world in Christ and of the worship men offer to Christ and through him to the Father in the Holy" Spirit “C.C.C # 1325

In catechesis children are teaches the fundamental truths of our Catholic faith basically the knowledge of God and the meaning of the sacraments focusing more on the Eucharist as penance.

Explaining to them so that they can understand and assimilate in their lives the mystery of Christ.

Through different forms and activities in the classes.  And may you grow in your spiritual Faith by receiving the BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST and feeling members of our Community of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Registration Form: First Communion Yr 1 2023-2024  (Inscripción: Primera Comunión Año 1 2023-2024)
Requirements – 1st Communion Program

Registration Form: First Communion Yr 2 2023-2024  (Inscripción: Primera Comunión Año 2 2023-2024)
Requirements – 1st Communion Program

  • Children who attended 1st grade Religious Education classes last year may be enrolled in the for First Communion Year 2 Class using the registration form below.  A copy of the child’s birth and baptismal certificates must be presented at the time of registration.
  • The fee for the Communion program is $50 or 50% is required at the time of enrollment.

RCIA for Children
RCIA Children
Adapted Christian Initiation Rite for Children
The catechumenate process adapted for children.

Catechumens are 7-year-old children who have not been baptized and therefore have to attend classes.  The classes are based on the knowledge of God and identification as followers of Jesus.  The catechumenate has rites and times appropriate to its capacities for growth in its Faith.

Year 1
Registration Form: RCIA (Child) Yr 1 2023-2024  (Inscripción: RICAn Año 1 2023-2024)

Year 2
Registration Form: RCIA (Child) Yr 2 2023-2024  (Inscripción: RICAn Año 2 2023-2024)

The catechesis of young people is an education in the Catholic faith based on a Christian teaching that commits them to the following of Christ