Men’s Ministry Group

Mission Statement

The mission of the Men’s Ministry Group is to share our spiritual journey to benefit our parish and Christian community.  With the Gospel, and discipleship of Jesus, making our Christian walk a practice and an active force in the service to one another, within and outside this ministry.

We help to build each other as loving and godly men empowered through the Holy Spirit to become genuine Christ-like servants in our home, our Church, our career, and our community.

Vision Statement

The vision of the MMG is to continually produce and strengthen God-fearing and Spirit-filled Christian men who prayerfully have committed themselves to a better understanding of our faith, and of service.


Executive Committee Members:

Albert Banda
Ben Briceno (Treasurer)
Mando Briceño
Leo De La Garza (Secretary)
Marcelino Gonzalez
John Mendoza
Enrique Saenz
Julian Vasquez
Armando Villarreal

MMG Contact: Leo De La Garza: 512-750-8028

News & Announcements

Car Port Construction - Coming in July!!!

Meeting Minutes:


Guadalupefest - 5/26/2024
Thank you to volunteers and vendors and shoppers.
Guadalupefest - 01 Guadalupefest - 02 Guadalupefest - 03 Guadalupefest - 04 Guadalupefest - 05 Guadalupefest - 06

Ministry Fair - 05/05/2024
OLG Beautification Day - 01 OLG Beautification Day - 02 OLG Beautification Day - 03

OLG Beautification Day - 03/23/2024
OLG Beautification Day - 02 OLG Beautification Day - 04 OLG Beautification Day - 06 OLG Beautification Day - 07 OLG Beautification Day - 08 OLG Beautification Day - 10 OLG Beautification Day - 12 OLG Beautification Day - 17 OLG Beautification Day - 18 OLG Beautification Day - 19 OLG Beautification Day - 20 OLG Beautification Day - 29 OLG Beautification Day - 31 OLG Beautification Day - 34 OLG Beautification Day - 35 OLG Beautification Day - 36 OLG Beautification Day - 37 OLG Beautification Day - 40 OLG Beautification Day - 47 OLG Beautification Day - 48 OLG Beautification Day - 53 OLG Beautification Day - 54 OLG Beautification Day - 56 OLG Beautification Day - 57

Christmas Guadalupefest - 12/03/23
Guadalupefest - 01 Guadalupefest - 02 Guadalupefest - 03 Guadalupefest - 04

Yard Work, removed bushes around hall - September 16th, 2023
Thank you Henry, Ben, Julian, and John
Before Pictures
Yard Work - 01 Yard Work - 02
After Pictures
Yard Work - 03 Yard Work - 04 Yard Work - 05

Jamaica, Turkey Leg Booth - September 3rd, 2023
Jamaica - 01 Jamaica - 02 Jamaica - 03 Jamaica - 04

Jamaica Prep, Moving Storage Container - September 1st, 2023
Moving Storage - 01 Moving Storage - 02 Moving Storage - 03 Moving Storage - 04

Jamaica Prep, Fixing Carport - August 22nd, 2023
Fixing Carport - 01 Fixing Carport - 02

Jamaica Prep, Making a new Booth - August 22nd, 2023
Making Jamaica Booth - 01 Making Jamaica Booth - 02 Making Jamaica Booth - 03 Making Jamaica Booth - 04 Making Jamaica Booth - 05 Making Jamaica Booth - 06

Ministry Fair - April 16th, 2023
Ministry Fair - 01 Ministry Fair - 01 Ministry Fair - 01

Jamaica 2020 Fundraiser (June 13th, 2020) - Brisket Taco Plate
Fundraiser - 01 Fundraiser - 02 Fundraiser - 03 Fundraiser - 04 Fundraiser - 05 Fundraiser - 06 Fundraiser - 07 Fundraiser - 08 Fundraiser - 09 Fundraiser - 10 Fundraiser - 11

Jamaica 2019 - Turkey Leg Booth
Jamaica 2019 - 01